Monday, October 10, 2016

Facts and Figures of MMM Nigeria

MMM has no central pocket were money is been deposited.. Transactions are done peer to peer
We just have a technical program that regulates what we do n what we can't do.. The technical system controls how much we can ask as help or withdraw n how much we can provide as help or deposit.


MMM is composed of 3 components
1. Provide help
2. Get help
3. Technical basic program
A provider of help is someone who has pledged to give financial help in d community. He or she can also be a receiver of help, when he or she has extended a financial helping hand to someone in d community
A receiver of help is a member or participant who has already extended a helping hand or provided help. Thus is qualified to receive help from the community.

Like I said earlier MMM is donation exchange network. We understand mutual aid society is a community where we give financial help and receive financial help back.. The more financial help u give, the more financially help u get in return... Is like borrowing your money out, and receiving it back later or much later when u need it with little interest (just example)
MMM offers participants an appreciation package for all donations the make to a participant in the community.... MMM offers its participants 30 % growth rate per month for each n every donation the make in d system...
For example
I donate 1000 naira, after 30 days you would be qualified to 1300Naira as financial help from another participant in community,
5000 naira qualifies you to receive 6500 naira
10000 naira, qualifies you to receive 13000 naira...
So basically, the percentage grows by 1 % daily or 30 % month
The basic calculation is.
Donation amount X 1.30 = expected amount after 30 days....
Let me just hint us on what goes on in the system a little
When u make a donation request, ur request is registered n placed in a queue, while ur money still remains with you.
In exchange d system will register ur request wit its virtual currency called mavros. This mavros is already growing at 1 percent per day. While yout request is in queue n ur money is with you...

Where does 30% come from? There is no interest rate in MMM. In MMM after you donated money, you can be rewarded with Mavro. It is an index of your tribute to the development of the Community. This index grows 30% a month.

Presently, the amount of money from returning investors in the pool is on the decline, and will decrease at an increasing rate in the following months. What we have is new people coming into the scheme

Going by an informal online polls, February - June, 2017 has been slated for the ultimate crash of this scheme.

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