As a matter of fact, currently over 100m Nigerians living below poverty line , this makes up about 46% of Nigerians. The situation has been made worse by current administration. However, there is always a life saver and that is helping ourselves with the little we possess.
According to Bill," Demographically, Africa is the world’s youngest continent, and its youth can be the source of a special dynamism". I really do believe in this and explains why I have chosen this path of devoting my time to youth empowerment.
I have discovered that many of us really want to own a very big conglomerate emanating from that fantastic idea that we have inside of us. However, at most times, fund is the main reason these dreams are killed. There are many solutions to funding problem such as getting a loan, pitching to venture capitalists, getting sponsors via competitions organized by the Government such as AsoVilla.
Most of these methods seem not enough to cater for the large volume of ideas ready to be taken to the next level. This brings us to the next question which is what is the alternative and perhaps a more practical way. The answer to this is the whole essence of this post, continue reading.
Small businesses make up over 70% of business that run the economy in Nigeria and most people who own big businesses started with other small businesses completely different from what they are currently operating. This is usually done to raise funds, create awareness, test the ground, and also to develop practical business skills.
I have done a few small businesses and still working on some too, I will give straight information about Barbing Salon and Keke Napep with pictures. There is also room for live inspection, questions offline and other consulting on what I have done. I also created a new whatsapp group for small businesses too for a few real persons who are interested in doing real life businesses.
Barbing is very lucrative and you start making money right from the day it starts. On the mainland, it is quite cheap to set up. I will keep updating this post as I remember more information from my experience. For now, Items you need are:
1. Rent a very cheap shop, barbing is a service that is not tied to only the rich. Just like food, it is a necessity and not luxury.
2. Clippers Original clippers will cost you about 9,000 for 2 pieces which I recommend.
3. Chairs-
4. Mirrors
5. Sliding Doors
4. Posters
1. Rent a very cheap shop, barbing is a service that is not tied to only the rich. Just like food, it is a necessity and not luxury.
2. Clippers Original clippers will cost you about 9,000 for 2 pieces which I recommend.
3. Chairs-
4. Mirrors
5. Sliding Doors
4. Posters
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