Wednesday, March 8, 2017

ICT Tip Of The Week: Get Around Excel Faster With These Short Cuts

The world is a global village and ICT is the village square. 

Do things faster with increased accuracy.

Below is the list of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel.

 Ctrl + A : Selects all contents of the worksheet.

 Ctrl + B : Bold highlighted selection.

 Ctrl + I : Italicizes the highlighted selection.

  Ctrl + K : Inserts link.

 Ctrl + U : Underlines the highlighted selection.

 Ctrl + 1 : Changes the format of selected cells.

 Ctrl + 5 : Strikethrough the highlighted selection.

  Ctrl + P : Brings up the print dialog box to begin printing.

  Ctrl + Z : Undo last action.

  Ctrl + F3 : Opens Excel Name Manager.

 Ctrl + F9: Minimizes the current window.

 Ctrl + F10 : Maximizes the currently selected window.

 Ctrl + F6 : Switches between open workbooks or windows.

  Ctrl + Page up : Moves between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

 Ctrl + Page down : Moves between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

  Ctrl + Tab : Moves between Two or more open Excel files.

 Alt + = : Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells

 Ctrl + ' : Inserts the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.

  Ctrl + Shift + ! : Formats the number in comma format.

 Ctrl + Shift + $ : Formats the number in currency format.

  Ctrl + Shift + # : Formats the number in date format.

 Ctrl + Shift + % : Formats the number in percentage format.

 Ctrl + Shift + ^ : Formats the number in scientific format

.  Ctrl + Shift + @ : Formats the number in time format.

  Ctrl + Arrow key : Moves to the next section of text.

 Ctrl + Space : Selects the entire column.  Shift + Space : Selects the entire row

  Ctrl + - : Deletes the selected column or row.

 Ctrl + Shift + = : Inserts a new column or row.

 Ctrl + Home : Moves to cell A1. 

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